How we

Multilingual customer service, i.e. we speak in English, French, German, Polish and Russian.

The company has quality management systems (ISO9001, ISO14000) installed, all cargo is insured with the sum of 1 million euros.

150+ park of own car transporters. In case of a greater need for transport services, subcontractors help us.

The newest transport management system allowing to guarantee that your cargo will be delivered on the agreed time.
Our history:
Established by Vytautas Bučnys, Laima company is engaged in the selling of used cars.
The first own car transporters are purchased, they carry own cars, also, transportation services are provided for external customers.
Economic hard times. Car trade flounders. But we found some business partners in Germany, Switzerland and Kosovo where we transport everything with wheels.
The company successfully withstands the conditions of hard times and gets ready for the open possibilities in the European Union – increases the number of car transporters and employees.
Laima becomes Vitlaima, legal status and the title of the company is changed. With the view of dynamic development, the company reoriented from the market of used cars and their trade to the market of international transit of new and used cars.
Vitlaima UAB became the real member of the Lithuanian National Road Carriers Association (LINAVA) and belongs to TIR system.
Company’s administration and service moves to a new depot. A dining-room, emerges in the building owed by the company, territorial customs-house is established there, customs declarant, car storage and truck repair services are offered there as well.
The company successfully reorients in the conditions of economic hard times and diversifies its services on purpose of reducing the business risk.
The truck park is updated every year, quality rates are regularly improved, and the activity of cardo expedition is successfully developed. Steadily growing sales of heavy transport mechanisms.
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates, which confirm that the company’s quality control corresponds to the international standards, are granted for the company’s management system.
In Vitlaima UAB, there work 80 employees, the greater part of which is comprised of qualified specialists. The company owes 150+ car transporters corresponding to European requirements.
UAB "Vitlaima" received the TOP company 2020 rating, which is provided by the portal (certificate). The rating is given to companies that are characterized by financial stability and reliability. In Lithuania, only 7 out of 100 companies receive this rating, so it is likely that the company will remain stable and meet financial obligations in the future.
UAB "Vitlaima" became a member of the European Vehicle Logistics Association (ECG) (certificate). The members of the association account for 80-85% of the finished vehicle sector across Europe.